Anti Viral

Anti Viral

Anti-viral drugs are medications that are used specifically for treating viral infections like antibiotics and broad-spectrum antibiotics for bacteria and other infectional viruses, most antiviral drugs are used for specific infections, while broad-spectrum antiviral is effective against a large number of viruses. Unlike antibiotics, antiviral drugs don’t destroy their target pathogen; instead they inhibit in their development.

Anti-viral drugs are also a class of antimicrobials, a larger group which also includes  antiparasiticantibiotic, and antifungal drugs, or antiviral drugs based on monoclonal antibodies. Most antiviral are considered harmless and can be used to treat infections. They should be partitioned from viricides, which are not medication but to destroy virus particles, either inside or outside of the body. Natural antiviral are produced by some plants like eucalyptus.

Most of the antiviral drugs are available and which are made to help to deal with the HIVherpes viruses, the hepatitis B and C viruses, and influenza A and B viruses. Researchers are working to the extend to the range of antiviral to other families of pathogens.

Making safe and effective antiviral drugs is difficult, because viruses and bacteria use the host’s cells to replicate and this makes it difficult to find targets for the drug that would interfere with the virus without harming the host cells and the major difficulty is developing vaccines and anti-viral drugs is due to viral variation.

Anti-Viral Medicine

Facts of Cymevene (ganciclovir) 500 mg?

  • Medicine Name: Cymevene
  • Generic Name: Ganciclovir
  • Company Name: Roche Korea Co., Ltd.
  • Available as (Form & Strength): Powder for Infusion & 500mg.

What are the indications and usage of Cymevene?

  • CYMEVENE (ganciclovir) administered as the IV in fusion is indicated for the palliative treatment of confirmed sight – threatening cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease in AIDS and other severely immunocompromised individuals. It is indicated for the treatment of confirmed CMV pneumonitis in bone marrow transplant patients. It is also indicated for the prophylaxis of CMV infection and disease following bone marrow and solid organ transplantation in patients at risk of CMV disease.

NOTE: CYMEVENE (ganciclovir) is not indicated for congenital or neonatal CMV disease ; nor for the treatment of CMV infection in non-immunocompromised individuals.